War Update Part 3

Day 544, 04:39 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

The War for Asia is now over

It ended with an Explosive Bang

the Map once looking like this

The Ones with the Yellow Lines Through it are the Ones the Romanians Finally took control of

To This

As you can See The Romanian Empire Went from Far Stretching and the Strongest back to their original Regions BUT its still true that no country can fight them on a 1v1 even match (right now..😛)

The End of Third clash of the Alliance War has ended with PEACE as the Victors Again i Wonder where the next one will be? =-p

But what is definitely certain is...This Battle will be remembered by all who fought in it But it wont go down in the books like the French war went down...this Battle was far more "Epic" with dmg shooting through the roof on every single battle field that opened

Just makes you wonder...With the Admins claiming about their new "War module" When it arrives...How much will the Map Change? will it be a massive change like this one? who knows...😛

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