Messed up Borders...

Day 525, 14:26 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

Now iv already written an article on my results on the WW that is currently happening just over seas from the Philippines

and 2 things have popped up which i find quite...retarded...

Its the Borders of China (Currently controlled by Romania) and the borders of India (Currently controlled by Indonesia)

As you can see up in China i have a Green line stretching across a few Regions

These 2 Regions HAVE A BORDER they can launch attacks from one to the other while skipping the entire Region in between them

And while we look at India...The Green line i have put up shows that the borders it SHOULD have they DONT

In India the Purple Region should be able to have a Border with the Yellow Ones BUT it doesn't, it only has Borders with the ones i have drawn the Red lines to

and Finally...The 2 Arrows i have Drawn in Purple on the Romanian Region in China (yellow Region) now what u see on the map is, that there is 2 regions right? WRONG These 2 Regions are somehow joined together and only count as 1 Region..

Also To the War Report...It Shows That Romania are Slowly Pushing through Indonesians Occupied Lands

They have Brought back Pakistan so that Indonesia CANT attack Pakistan at all or the Mpp's will activate causing a Harder War for them

On Bringing Back Pakistan...China has Turned to PEACE and are Attacking Romania with some PEACE Mpp's Which has Sparked another War...Pakistan vs China, so now 5 Countries are Warring in Asia

Before China Entered the War they Attacked South Korea and Took a Region, but then the South Korean's Grabbed Mpp's with several Countries and Pushed Back China to their Lands

The Current Battles are Rw's in sevreal Places in the World

Russia Vs Romania (Russia Attacked)
China Vs Pakistan (Pakistan Attacked)
Austria Vs Slovenia (Austria Attacked)

Those are the Current Battles Going on this Second

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