[TH]o Don't quit your job!!!

Day 724, 03:14 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Thingol

Dear residents of Malaysia,

now as Indonesia has conquered Southern Thailand and is going to return this region to Thailand along with all other original Thai regions, I need to say something that is important for the economies of both Malaysia and Thailan😛

Don't quit your job!!!
If you have a job at a Thai company, that is.

As a resident of Malaysia you can keep your job at a Thai company for an unlimited time, and you will still get your salary paid in MYR. However, once you quit your job you cannot get it back without spending money for a moving ticket to Thailand.

Why is it important to keep the jobs? The economies of Malaysia and Thailand have grown together. Thailand has brought a lot of companies into the Union, and Malaysia has had a very nice baby boom. Each country for itself is unbalance😛 If there were no cross-border workers, Thailand would have too few workers and Malaysia too few companies and thus not enough good jobs (of course there are always the training companies that prevent real unemployment).

So please:

Don't quit your job!!!

If you want a higher salary, send a message to your manager, but don't quit before you have received an answer.