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Wargame - We need to army!

14 Day 647, 09:13 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

Finally,seem that the wargame will be start. We have Hospital Q5,we have excellent people that explain how is and how function wargame how gutinho and sandra mack … read more »


15 Day 631, 02:37 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

The slovak economy is a poor economy. The marketplace is limited for option,quality and quantity of merchandise. Particularly,the situation is

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Proposal for slovak army

11 Day 619, 15:30 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

I would be show at slovak comrades and at all slovak citizen my proposal for the organization of slovak amry. I see that exist yet a program for organize this,but i hope that my opinion matured during a long military carrer will be take in

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Momento nostalgia

2 Day 584, 16:34 Published in Italy Italy

Dio Maksas hace 8 meses

Ciao Compa, io dico che è un arrivederci 😉

.....eppure Maksas è davvero un dio......lui già lo sapeva......

ciao Mak 😃read more »

Cosa implica la guerra?

41 Day 560, 12:07 Published in Italy Italy

Noto che da più parti,sulla stampa e sulle chat,si alzano sempre meno timidamente le voci sulla volontà popolare di dichiarare una guerra,qualunque essa sia. A giustificazione di ciò si pongono ragioni di ordine economico,di necessità di game (che

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