Wargame - We need to army!

Day 647, 09:13 Published in Slovakia Italy by Compagno

Finally,seem that the wargame will be start. We have Hospital Q5,we have excellent people that explain how is and how function wargame how gutinho and sandra mack (thank you,boys). We have also good soldiers (how me,for example 😛).

What's missing we? A army. A organized army.

Some time ago,I did with an article a propose for a model's organization for a national slovak army,but after the first comments,i was accused to want create a army only for communist. But now the problem isn't this,and now I don't want to do polemic.

But the question remain. We can advantage to next wargame also for run-in the slovak military sistem and increase our experience about military questions,but we must start as soon as possible with a
military survey and after with a conscription of soldiers. All erepublik's nation have a organized armed forces for her wars,without organization it's impossible defending a country.

Government think at this question,i give my availability for helping,also if for somebody i'm a enemy country 😛

For Slovakia!