Proposal for slovak army

Day 619, 15:30 Published in Slovakia Italy by Compagno

I would be show at slovak comrades and at all slovak citizen my proposal for the organization of slovak amry. I see that exist yet a program for organize this,but i hope that my opinion matured during a long military carrer will be take in consideration.

I think at a army organizated in 3 section,or gruop:

At the start,the CLA (citizen liberation army),that now exist yet: all citizen will be assigned in this section,and his target must will be to defende the national territory. Nothing distinction of political ideas,power,strenght,level in this section. All equal,for defending slovakia.

After: a group,to choose on disponibility of soldiers,authorized to foreign mission,for support eventual future allies,for ranking program* or also for show the presence of slovakia in certain theatre of war. For this section we can get a minimun of strenght for soldier. For this group was better that the member would be agree with the ideology of new government,but this isn't indispensable.
We can call this group "international brigade"

At the head,a special squadron abilited for all mission at formed to best slovak soldiers. For this,we must fixed a minimal strenght and they ever can moved to slovakia. Difference with 2nd group? This is a elitè group,specialized soldiers must be formed it,and they must be very faithful at govern. Pratically,they will be not only soldiers,but also a intelligence service. Limited in number,but the best section of slovak army.
I think to call this group "Soviet Black Guard".

Finally,we can regroup all this groups under the name of "Slovak People's Army"

The supreme command of army will must be to two figures: the president and the ministre of defense (or commissary of military affair). The first will be formally the commander of army,and the second will must organize and keep efficient the army,set his collaborators (if we organize the govern with commission). The people's congress will must only control the work of commissaries for avoid abuse since both parts.

Obviously,for create this tipe of army we need to collaboration and partecipation of all slovak people.

Now,you can debate on this proposal 🙂
Unfortunately,i'm going to holiday and i return 8 august,then i won't can reply at your question 🙁


p.s. sorry for my english 🙁
*ranking program = send the soldiers to fight only for increase their damage point and then increase the rank.