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Mera Bharat! [My India- A firece message for the ENEMY!]

10 Day 1,306, 16:44 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

To Intensify this Article open this link in a new tab and play the music while you read.

Mera Desh!
My Country

Stronger than Iron
is the brotherhood
that unites
every … read more »

Recruting Ambassdors!

8 Day 1,306, 13:26 Published in India India Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Have you ever wanted to help your country? There are many ways to do so but one way is to sign up to be an ambassador! All you have to do is sign up on a sheet provided below. But wait read the qualifications before you sign up!


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Interview with India101 [running for congress] and a NICE SURPRISE!!

5 Day 1,306, 10:04 Published in India India Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Host: Hello and I would like to welcome the new audiences and re welcome the old ones from yesterday. Today we are interviewing current Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, My boyfriend 🙂 but also A running Congressmen- India101.

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Interview with India101 about him running for Congress

3 Day 1,306, 00:56 Published in India India Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Host: Hello and Welcome Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs sir. I see today that you are announcing your Running for Congress. Let me start by asking you some Questions.

India101: Thank you Thank you I am glad to be in the studio … read more »

[DMOFA] Thank You Indonesia

17 Day 1,300, 09:54 Published in India India Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

I would like to dedicate this article to thanking Indonesia, a country that has proved to be our friends even when times are tough. When the two alliances of each of our countries somewhat wage in war, we spark a reveloution of peace.

" … read more »