Interview with India101 [running for congress] and a NICE SURPRISE!!

Day 1,306, 10:04 Published in India USA by India101
Host: Hello and I would like to welcome the new audiences and re welcome the old ones from yesterday. Today we are interviewing current Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, My boyfriend 🙂 but also A running Congressmen- India101.

India101: Great to be back especially with such a beautiful host my o my you look better day by day. But yes Indian people I am going to ROCK THE CONGRESS! We together will rule as the people, for the people, and with the people.


Host: India101, yesterday you told us you are running for the people so the people can get equal representation in the congress. How exactly do you plan to do this?

India101: Most of you may or may not know that in congress, bills are proposed by the congressmen. But I believe that the PEOPLE also should help with this. That is why when I become congressmen I will let Indian citizens mail me propositions on bills. If they're worthy enough and make sense to me then I will take them to the congress. If they're maybe not so worthy then I will reply with a reason.

For the People

Host: Ok India101, I understand that you take campaigning very seriously and have EVEN made your own Website?

India101: Yes the Website can be found on the Eindian Forums, on the India101 thread- or just message me and I will give you the link. Yes my campaign team will start updating that as soon as this interview gets published. In there will be important information, updates, and dates for my campaign trial.

Host:Ok India101, Please tell us a little bit about what you as a congressmen would LIKE to do during your term.

India101: As you mentioned above I am the Deputy Minister of Foreign affairs, therefore i take the issue of Indian Foreign Affairs very seriously. That doesn't mean that I turn a blind eye to topics like- economy, politics, and military. It just means that I myself may propose bills that have to do with foreign affairs more frequently.

Foreign Affairs

Host: Ok India101, now I also understand that you are running under India united. Please tell us a little bit why you choose to run in this party.

India101: Ever since the start of my political career the India United party has given me support and hope. Whether I was a newbie that was running for the first time or a two time returning congressmen, they always made sure that I could run. I have heard of Yuuva being created and I respect them, but frankly India United has supported me and I know i speak on behalf of many of my fellow politicians when I saw India United was the reason of our political career.

India United

Host: I understand that many Indian politicians have a very shall i say extreme view on the Diosim faith. Please explain your views.

India101: This is a very iffy topic for me because when I run I like to keep neutrality to all different types of people. I will only comment on saying this- "A box can only trap it's contents for so long. When the contents learn of the box's treachery then the contents will uprise."

Free yourselves!

Host: Ok and thank you India101 for your time an--

India101: Wait Host will you marry me?




Before Marriage


After the wedding