Mera Bharat! [My India- A firece message for the ENEMY!]

Day 1,306, 16:44 Published in India USA by India101
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Mera Desh!
My Country

Stronger than Iron
is the brotherhood
that unites
every Indian.

Stronger than Iron
is the Indian blood
that ripples
in every Indian vein.

Stronger than Iron
is the heart
that yearns for
a strong nation.

A nation not afraid
of foreign power!

They know not
that embedded
in every grain of Indian soil
is our courage and determination

The struggle of a people
to end a tyrannical power
that rains over it's people!

Preaching what they call good
While destroying Innocent men and women

I will no longer stand quiet!

Baba Ramdev was taken down by police.
If they want to repeat that,
then that shows their true colors!

This is for THAT alliance!
That enslaves!

You can't harm me!
I am stronger than you!
I have courage!
I look beyond the horizon!

So come on defend yourselves!
But not with guns this time!
Come at me with a pen!

I shall show you the might of Bharat!