Interview with India101 about him running for Congress

Day 1,306, 00:56 Published in India USA by India101
Host: Hello and Welcome Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs sir. I see today that you are announcing your Running for Congress. Let me start by asking you some Questions.

India101: Thank you Thank you I am glad to be in the studio and my my aren't you very mannered. Yes Ask all the Questions you want.

Host: Why Are you Running this Term?

India101: I am running for the people so they can get the needed representation in Indian congress.

Host: Do you think the Indian people will support your efforts?

India101: I can only hope that they see the efforts of not a politician but a man- one of them trying to get equal representation for each and every one of them. Each of them are my brothers and sisters and I truly believe that we each have something we can give to the society.

Host: Alright well wow if I could vote I sure would give you my vote! Ok India101 thank you for your time we will REINTERVIEW you tommorow so make sure to tune in again!

India101: *Flirts with Host A LOT*

Picture of Host

India101 with his NEW GIRLFRIEND xD