PM's Desk- Australia, Welcome to the Cross Roads

Day 527, 07:12 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Good evening citizens,

Thank you all for voting up my last article, we were able to muster 16 of our congressmen and cabinet. Quite a fete in less then 1 hour. We discussed some very important matters, which cannot be released now. I thank you all for your patience on this matter.

I am writing this article to inform you on what is happening in the eWorld. South Africa has declared war on Indonesia which has been funded by ATLANTIS. This gave us as a nation numerous options to either support Indonesia, or go the ATLANTIS path.

For hours myself and some members of the cabinet have spoken to both Romanian and Indonesia officials. We are nearly at a conclusion on what fate our great nation takes. Due to the highly sensitive nature of these talks, we have been holding discussions on IRC, for real time up to date information with both the Cabinet and the Senate. We have discussed many things and this brings me to my next point.

Consider Australia in war mode until further notice, regardless if we support ATLANTIS or Indonesia. I have proposed a reduction in tax to weapons and iron in the Senate through an Executive Order. We have no constitution so this is neither legal or illegal so I give permission for the Senate to conduct an inquiry into my conduct after these events.

I also ask all Cabinet Members and Senators to make it to IRC tomorrow at 05:00 eRepublik time. I will post more details about this in sensitive discussion tomorrow at around 00:00 eRepublik time.

Thanks for reading vote and subscribe to stay updated.

Prime Minister of Australia