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[Gov] Your New Government ~ votre nouveau gouvernement

32 Day 1,083, 14:23 Published in Canada Canada

In order for the Government to advance its goals and position in the eWorld, eCanada needs to have a strong executive branch. Below you will find an introduction to the … read more »

Thankyou to the Interim Cabinet

9 Day 1,049, 09:21 Published in Canada Canada

I would like to thank everyone who has worked in this interim cabinet with me.

None of us really expected or was prepared for the job eCanada asked of us over the last two plus weeks.

We had a bit of a slow start, but we've managed pretty

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Ministry of Information - eCanadian News Day 1046

6 Day 1,046, 17:25 Published in Canada Canada

Sorry for the crappy title...this is my first serious article ever,so its probably not gonna be very interesting but give me a chance and read these news.

So what is up in eCanada...not much to tell you the truth. Since Wes_Lewis decided to

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Launch of the Department of Information

6 Day 1,044, 20:56 Published in Canada Canada

Good evening eCanada

Tonight we (re)launch the official government paper intended to provide general information for the eCanadian public. Some will notice that the organisation to which this paper is attached is the old "Ministry of Education"

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V2 New Citizen Guide/Guide du Nouveau Citoyen [Ministry of Education]

16 Day 955, 00:16 Published in Canada Canada">">

also/aussi: Canadian Battle read more »