An interveiw with MoredanKantose [eOz version]

Day 610, 10:04 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Hello Readers. Today we have an interveiw with the Ataman (Party President) of the Cossacks. please Welcome Mr.MoredanKantose

1. What is the overall aim of the Cossacks.

We want to see a free eRussia, full in its territorial integrity, strong, leading its natural sphere of influence and fighting for justice and freedom in the eWorld. "Justice" includes no TOs, and "Freedom" respecting the natural frontiers with few exceptions.

To reach this, eRussia needs to get a fair share of English-speaking population, because most of the eWorld is English-speaking.

2. Well do you have a time scale for these aims? And if so could you please tell us?

It is difficult to put a time limit, but if eRussia does not recover its whole Motherland by 700 then our Government is definitively doing something wrong. An international ATO pact should at least start much earlier, the very latest at 650.

3. How far has the Party come since it's foundations?

Our party is 36 days old. That is, the first "new" party, just before the baby-boom of the 580'. We have an organization, a newspaper, and most important: an in-game party paid with our own money and not TOed from someone else. We are starting to have nationwide visibility and the ATO Pact is almost a reality now. We could refound the Foreign Legion, now the biggest and most disciplined unit of the eRussian Army. I think we have done a pretty good job for 36 days.

4. Are the Cossacks playing a major role in the US War?

We are a Party, not a military unit, but our diplomatic efforts include an official offer for peace from FORTIS/EDEN to eRussia, an offer which our President can at the same time reject and use within PEACE to make pressure in order to get our Motherland back.

The Foreign Legion, led by me and whose half of the effectives are Cossacks as well, was very important in the conquest of Alaska at 605. 9000 points of damage cannot be ignored But this being a world war and the eRussian army being still relatively small, we can not say that we played a "major role", no. No unit did, that day.

5. How did the Party do in the last Congress elections?

At that moment the Party did not exist in-game, only in the forums. But a CDP Congressperson has passed to us.

6. So do you aim to become President of Russia eventually.

Absolutely not. We try to represent the English-speaking patriotic community, but an eRussian president should speak Russian as mother tongue. Some of the Cossacks do, but my aim as Ataman is to negotiate between the most important presidencial candidates the term of our support. These terms could include hospitals, defense systems, help for the English-speaking population, and of course a more independent foreign policy.

7. You open letter to EDEN and FORTIS gathered alot of controversy from other Russians, how would you respond to this?

I guess some people misunderstood the letter as the suggestion that we should immediately change sides. That was not my intention. The letter was precisely for the EDEN/FORTIS population, not for the eRussian one, and intended to show that not all us are PEACE-fanatics and warmongers. At the same time it provoked an official declaration of FORTIS/EDEN (you will read about it soon in The CossackSWord) which our President can use to make more pressure in PEACE to recover our Motherland. That was exactly my intention 🙂 .

8. What are the near-future plans for the Cossack Party?

We want to have more presence in the Congress, we want to start the first negotiation with the presidencial candidates and finish the party ATO pact. We must get more presence in the media and force the Government to inform better the English-speaking population... and actually the Russian-speaking too... about their activities. The President acts often alone and in secret, but a serious country deserves a President who can delegate and inform about what the Government does.