Presenting the Other Side

Day 670, 10:44 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Right well I've thrown my hat in for the Pro-War movement however I'm also listening to the other side of the article and here is why we SHOULD NOT GO TO WAR

1. We are much smaller and weaker than eIndonesia
2. We have to pay 500 GOLD for breaking contract
3. We will have pissed off PEACE
4. PEACE has managed to crush Fortis/EDEN all over the world recently
5. it's not even a done deal if EDEN may protect us
6. EDEN + Fortis have a very bad track record of protecting thier allies look at eGermany and eNorth Korea for proof of this.
7. We could loose everything
8. We could be destroyed from the inside
9. We cannot afford such a long war

When it is put like that the case for war is very flimsy and it makes one pause and National Pride truely worth all of our nation?

However i've been looking in the Indonesian Press and it seems that some fo them would liek to go to war with us and take back everythign they once stole from us.
"let's have a war with those aussie once again and retake what once we got before."
our eFuture hangs in the balance.