The history of Aussie relationships with Indonesia

Day 722, 10:59 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Back when I joined eRepublik Australia was tiny, a small handful of states and maybe 100 active players. We had recently been occupied by the Indonesia and consumed into its fledgling empire, this of course was way back before Indonesia ruled the world. Our fore-fathers fought long and hard to re-capture New South Wales from the invaders. Eventually they managed it.
Slowly a long succession of ADSP Prime Ministers had managed via diplomacy managed to arrange the return of our states to us. This was no small feat. We had to pay handsomely for every region returned to us and there were many roadblocks on this path, the Indonesian Government not coming through on their part of the deal, fake Resistance Wars started up along the way to ruin the peace-process and opposition from the public who regarded the Government as dilly-dallying (*cough AW *cough) However finally we owned everything from Tasmania to the border with WA.

Western Australia was the richest region owned by Indonesia other than Western Siberia in Russia. When the Russians re-claimed this region it made the importance of maintaining WA in the Indonesian empire even more important. This coupled with the fact we could not afford the high price of buying out the Indonesian companies operating out of WA and public opinion that we did not need WA (*cough Br0adside *cough) made the return of WA very unlikely.
Now for this next bit I was not in the country so my knowledge is a bit hazy

EDEN suddenly turned up and made a resistance war in Western Australia,and with the winning of that Resistance War we had done it. We were finally utterly free. Full Independence, that goal we had so hard worked for, fought for and strove for had been attained at long last.
Now Indonesia prepares to march into our ally Malaysia’s land on yet another imperialistic conquest. The people of Australia have loaded their weapons and prepared to defend this peaceful neutral nation from the advances of an imperial occupier. We have gone from the occupier to the soldiers helping out another nation facing the very real threat of Indonesian occupation.

Our views on Indonesia have changed so much as a nation from those first days. We once regarded them as friends maybe even allies, maybe because of a real sense of comradeship or just perhaps because they were big and powerful and would have battered us into a pink pulp if we had dared squeak. Now we regard them in a whole new light, we now look at them as the enemy and the oppressor.
My personal views have changed immensely as well. I used to support PEACE utterly, PEACE could do nothing wrong, however due to the continued occupation of my homeland, the invasion of America and the treatment of the people of the UK I have turned from PEACE I now support neither major alliance which is why I am fighting all the harder in Malaysia to defend what remains of a neutral alliance.

To those who help build this nation from the ground up. My utter respect and dedication. For you have helped to forge a nation. Here’s to you
Dio protect