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HuCard for Congress on Prince Edward Island

12 Day 641, 10:00 Published in Canada Canada

I am hereby announcing my candidature for congress on Prince Edward Island as a member of the DAL.

My motivation is that I desire to become more active in actual Canadian politics in order help this great country regain her former glory. During

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A final call to arms!

6 Day 624, 17:10 Published in Canada Canada

Many a thousand of shots have been tearing apart the peaceful silence over the Canadian lands, brigades of tanks have reduced cities to rubble and forests to ashes as they waltzed over the crimson soil soaked in blood and littered with the steel of

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Analysis of recent events / Analyse der Geschehnisse

40 Day 621, 00:40 Published in Germany Germany

The past few days have been very eventful ones for eGermany. Poland took over our politics, Hungary saved us... But this whole situation is, in my humble opinion, nothing but the logical result of terrible foreign politics from various sides.

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I have parted from Germany.

13 Day 614, 01:17 Published in Germany Germany

As of today, I have left my fatherland and become a citizen of Canada.
Many things have changed in my home of Germany in the past week, and I had grow quite unsatisfied with the changes and do not consider them to be for the better.

We betrayed

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I have joined Canada!

13 Day 614, 01:17 Published in Canada Canada

As of today, I have left my fatherland and become a citizen of Canada.
Many things have changed in my home of Germany in the past week, and I had grow quite unsatisfied with the changes and do not consider them to be for the better.

We betrayed

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