HuCard for Congress on Prince Edward Island

Day 641, 10:00 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

I am hereby announcing my candidature for congress on Prince Edward Island as a member of the DAL.

My motivation is that I desire to become more active in actual Canadian politics in order help this great country regain her former glory. During my time as a congressman in Germany I have already gained experience in the position; however, most of all I was show nthe importance of a competent government and trusted and respected allies.

Back when Germany was lost to the Poles and Swedes in spring, instead of carefully working to strengthen the nation, planning the rebellion against the oppressors, and eventually re-emerging as a stronger and newly united state, it quickly relied on PEACE's help to prematurely regain its land without the power to keep them safe, and political unrest within as well as pressure from unresolved conflicts with other nations left it in a weakened state. Eventually, and much to the dismay of many of its people of whom a sizeable number started migrating in protest, most of its government betrayed its loyal ally Canada in a time of great troubles and aligned with PEACE, which was promptly followed by a Polish takeover.
Now, Germany is in a pitiful state. Consisting of but a few scattered and Polish controlled states with its rest being under Hungarian supervision, its economy in ruins, its people in arguments and worries, it has become a monument for the dangers of selfishness, a lasting example of what happens to those who don't value their friends and only think about their own gain.

On the other hand, there is Canada. During the time I have spent here, there were many moments that made me deeply impressed and proud to have become part of this nation.
Facing the annihilation by the hands of PEACE, she went out of her way and sacrificed valuable time and regions in order to fight with her allies and help them in their struggles; after her complete occupation, she instantly started organising her resistance which soon had reclaimed a number of provinces through her own power and that of her allies. Allies who even now are not left alone, as this amazing country immediately resumed, or rather never ceased, fighting along with her comrades against their foes, and aiding Spain as soon as it too vanished from the map. All while still holding a considerable amount of respect for her cruel attackers without blindly throwing around insults and expressions of blind hatred.

This country is a truly great one; hers selflessness, loyalty, and respect should be a shining example for all of the eWorld. It has been one for me, and I wish to be able to contribute my part to her future!
I will support Canada however possible and act responsibly, hoping but also, seeing her people and government, being assured that she will not repeat the mistakes other nations have done leading to their fall. May Canada soon regain all of her lands and flourish as an ever-lasting inspiring example of peace and honour!