I have joined Canada!

Day 614, 01:17 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

As of today, I have left my fatherland and become a citizen of Canada.
Many things have changed in my home of Germany in the past week, and I had grow quite unsatisfied with the changes and do not consider them to be for the better.

We betrayed Canada which had so bravely aided us when we were in peril, as one of the only about 3 countries who cared and did not want to let us fall prey to the Swedish and Polish invaders, although there was nothing to gain from this loyal act and it might have been more convenient to just turn their backs towards us and leave us to be slain, like many other a nation did.
While the reality of our politics might not have enabled us to fully repay the favour as out government, still strictly monitored by PEACE, was of course not able to mobilise the Bundeswehr and join an official action against out liberators; yet the MPP we had with Canada still stood, and many a citizen made use of it to fight for what they believed was right.
But then, we were robbed of that option and coldly we sued for peace with the aggressive French in selfish disrespect of our Canadian friends.

This, while a disgusting display of ungratefulness and egoism, was not enough however. As to kick the fainted dog, we thereupon became a member of PEACE. Indeed, it was a logical act considering the military safete we have probably gained. But I question the wisdom of this decision in the long run!
PEACE is not doing flawlessly with its ruthless invasion of the North American lands, and has experienced a few setbacks by now; but regardless of the outcome of this battle, the world is changing. ATLANTIS has fallen apart due to internal petty greed, and the path of expansion the likes of Hungary and France are walking on is not endless. I foresee a similar fate for this alliance, in that eventually it will crumble into many smaller ones.

And when that moment comes, will it have done us any good to have betrayed our most loyal allies for the shady suspects that are our glorious liberators (Japan aside, it's cool), they who watched us being conquered in delight to calculatedly "free" our lands again, for them to serve as a puffer and puppet-like vassal against the former ATLANTIS states and as a bridge to new horizons, those of the UK and the shores of North America to be exact.
They will drop us like we have done to Canada now, and then we will fall victim to those who we upset with our traitorous and selfish policies. We have given up the few independence we had left, the ability to choose our own allies, create bonds, and try to make peace all over the eWorld to live a tranquil, neutral existence for a small seat in PEACE and the flimsy voice of an underpopulated and economically as militarily poor and weak state that is likely to be overheard in an alliance dominated by bloodthirsty giants seeking to expand their influence and wage war until the world lies in ruins.

I can no longer bear to stay in such a country, and unable to influence its politics from the inside any more, I have parted with it in favour of the victims of this unjustified war that is sweeping across the world right now, the victims Germany had left out of fight for themselves.
I will still be auditing my voice in German affairs from the outside, as I still like my country and its people; but in the face of the recent turns it has taken, I felt forced to stray off its course which might lead into an abyss.

Thus, I will now recognise Canada as my new home and fight alongside its brave and friendly people for a good cause and against what is hardly an honourable enemy to help to try and save its existence.

I am glad to be a part of this country now, and will try my best to become a valuable citizen.

If any other Germans wish to join me, feel free to contact me for a recommendation to the Canadian immigration bureau headed by Citizen B for free moving tickets.