PEACE - Armée personal de la Hongrie et de l'Indonésie?

Day 658, 06:54 Published in France Switzerland by HuCard

(Excusez-moi; je ne peux pas écrire cet article en français parce que j'apprend cette langue encore, et ne suis pas três bon à la pourtant...)

Forgive me if I am stating the very obvious, but more than ever before in the past two months it has again been proven that PEACE only cares about its members as far as Hungary's and Indonesia's own interests are concerned and that it serves no purpose but the one of being those two nations' personal army.

In the past weeks, especially France, Russia, but also Italy or Japan have had to realise this.

Let's begin a few months back though, at the time when Germany was under Swedish and Polish control. A joint PEACE force of France, Italy, and Hungary "selflessly" "liberated" the country, and just along the way Hungary managed to set foot in the Danish region of Nordjylland, which would later play a crucial part in the North American invasion. Afterwards, Germany's region were step-by-step returned to their original owner, although France and Hungary reserved the right to keep two military bases within them. France's however soon became the victim of a USA-initiated resistance war which despite being opposed by France and Germany alike succeeded in the end. France had thus irreversibly lost its border to Sweden.

A few region swaps of Indonesia with Japan concealed as training wars later, the grand PEACE invasion of North America began. At the start of the war, France and Russia were however the primary forces officially engaged in the war and left to do the dirty job of penetrating Canadian and U.S. American defences to pave the path for Hungary and Indonesia who would then march in much later on.
During the election that month, the Hungarians unsuccessfully attempted a takeover of Canada - while at the same time, its ally and fellow PEACE member Italy was overwhelmed by a hostile one and nobody lifted a finger to aid it as Hungary was too busy pursuing futile imperialistic plans to enrich itself.
Eventually, as the defensive lines of the two North American countries had been breached, France (which was at the same time also invading Spain) ceded a few of its Canadian regions to the United Kingdom; which in turn served as nothing but a path for Hungary to tread on which it thus did and set foot on Canadian soil. Meanwhile, Indonesia also started making its move and thanks to the Russian Federation's great job at already severely weakening the U.S.A. while reducing its territory, started its invasion of the states as well followed by swift victories.

After a lot of exhausting and fierce battles, Canada and Spain found itself completely annihilated and occupied by various countries, primarily France. The U.S.A. had lost vital regions to Indonesia and especially Russia, which along with the Fifth Republic found themselves at the height of their military might and influence in all of the New World's history. A triumph that was not to to last.
Mere days after their complete annexations, Canada and Spain arose against their oppressors and liberated one region after another. Great Britain lost all of its Canadian possessions in a single swipe, without being able to defend at least a single one of them and without any of the other PEACE states coming to support it. France, however, suffered an even worse fate as it fiercely tried to defend its new regions but, left all alone by the idling Hungary whom they previously cleared the path for enabling them to enter North America in the first place, could not stand against the combined might of the Spaniards and Canadians regaining their lands unstoppable step by unstoppable step.

Soon, the French had lost the crucial regions of Quebec and Ontario and were expelled from the lands across the Pacific which was followed by Asturias and Madrid also being liberated making it just a matter of time before the neglect-able rest of the Iberian peninsula too escapes their grasp, leaving them with absolutely nothing from being a pawn to Hungary's imperialist war other than a humiliating defeat.

A similar fate awaited Russia. At one point possessing half of the U.S.A., they were urged to cede eight of their new regions, including New York, back to the states to protect the single Indonesian colony of California. Owned by the same country that for ages has held the Russian territory of Western Siberia, rich of oil, wood, and iron, along with countless other possessions all around the world supplying them with virtually every High resource there is; something that can be applies to Hungary was well, whose empire too grants them access to vast amounts of all available raw materials.
I'm sure Russia's aid in the conquest of the U.S.A. was promised to be awarded by being able to retain its prizes to compensate for the ongoing occupation of Western Siberia. A promise that had it existed was apparently not a very valued one by the Indonesian side, quick to receive the American desire for peace positively with Russia vehemently opposing it.
By now, Indonesia was expelled from North America, making you wonder why Russia even bothered paying such a high price to try and help keeping California safe.

After this war will be over, not much will have changed. Indonesia will still have bases all around the world, Hungary will still be the the nation with the strongest military (and might even be able to keep some of the gains France served to it on a silver plate, although I personally hope it will not) and Russia and France? Well, they will have nothing but perhaps the nice memory of an extremely brief time in which they could get a taste of success, soon overshadowed by the bitter humiliations of being unable to defend their new lands without any aid from their oh so loyal allies.
Meanwhile, nobody cares that Italy still has to recover from the takeover, Germany continues to be a vassal of Hungary, and no single PEACE state bothers to try and help Japan which the very moment I am typing these lines is trying to put down insurgencies in South Korea by the foreign forces of the Theocracy.

Perhaps I am mistaken, but this is not what I understand of a defensive alliance.