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World War Daily Events: Day 3

11 Day 604, 11:28 Published in Ireland Ireland

Updates, updates and more updates. Looks like this will be no short war so I shall be continuing from my previous article on the events effecting us in ireland in the current war. For previous information regarding the recent events see my other

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World War Daily Events: Update 1

6 Day 603, 10:18 Published in Ireland Ireland

This is the first follow up article to yesterdays article about current events and battles which will most likely effect our near future in the

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And now for Something Completely Different. . .

9 Day 602, 14:43 Published in Ireland Ireland

So Im deciding to make a few articles for now documenting the battles of the new World War as it has implications for us all and some may not know where things are happening. Even some people on the IRC people seem to be a little slow off the mark.

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Improving Your Skills: Part One

1 Day 598, 04:50 Published in Ireland Ireland

This is the first guide article for general gaming skills to anyone who is interested. So down to business?

Patience and Attention Span:

Ok so there is definitely one thing all good gamers have. Patience. It took them forever and waste

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Improving your Skills: Intro

8 Day 597, 18:47 Published in Ireland Ireland

Ok I am assuming that everyone here is part of the general gaming community. If you aren’t then wtf are you doing here??

Anywho (it’s a word just look at my spellchecker!)over the course of . . . actually I don’t know how long. . . anyway until

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