Improving Your Skills: Part One

Day 598, 04:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by Conor Forde

This is the first guide article for general gaming skills to anyone who is interested. So down to business?

Patience and Attention Span:

Ok so there is definitely one thing all good gamers have. Patience. It took them forever and waste of a lot of free time to get that good! If you don’t have patience chances are you will give up on a game (and listening to me) very quickly.

Lesson one:

Complete this game:
Anyone who completes the missions “208” and “Shut” you have my admiration. These games LITERALLY take days on end to play. PS if you fall asleep and just let the computer running for “Shut” it doesn’t count. This will not work for “208” so comment if you pass this test! 🙂
“208” this time around also counts for attention span so it is a good combination game.

Cheating and Keyboard Manipulation.

Lesson One:

There are times when you have to simply work around the rules. Sometimes it is the objective of the game! Follow the link above and play the level “The Pianist” for Keyboard manipulation
Play “Big O” and “K” for cheating. There really are better ways of doing these that what it says on the tin.

I shall leave a comment on how to cheat in “Big O” and “K” but try to figure it out for yourself before you read it. These will be very useful in later lessons.


Lesson One.

Ok this was the game which basically got me into online gaming. The graphics are nearly the worst out there but the concept is similar to others. In basically you have an island. And work from there to get others. With every game of this style the smart thing to do is go for resources first until you feel you are becoming noticed and on the verge of being attacked.

I moved on to bigger things after around a month (to be shown in later lessons) playing this but I had 14 islands by that time. Since it was the first month of the server I was in the top 10 at one point so try to aim for that if you think you are good already.

Making IRL Money

Lesson One:

There won’t be too many tutorials on this section mainly because there are so few games where you can convert your in-game money to the RL equivalent. If you can learn from the other lessons this is basically the section to aim your skills at. I going to just say the most known case is Second Life but I never played this game so I can’t give you tips on it. In the next issue I shall show you a game and how to do well to start financing yourself.