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World War Daily Events: Day 11

9 Day 612, 12:32 Published in Ireland Ireland

I could almost start a list of countries who didnt fight today and it would be a much shorter post!

Today Indonesia attack Hawaii, Russia fights back outside USA and many battle lines have been drawn.




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World War Daily Events: Day 10

7 Day 611, 14:43 Published in Ireland Ireland

Wow this article must be getting some major support! Thank you all who have voted me up, subscribed and gave me support in general! I write todays article as the new Military Correspondant for eIreland so this may become a regular thing even after

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World War Daily Events: Day 9

7 Day 610, 15:05 Published in Ireland Ireland

Ok so im trying out this "report everything" bit that a good few of my readers have been begging for. I'll try to work into it gradually rather than start into everything. So today marks the addition of eSpain and eUkraine as regulars and possibly

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World War Daily Events: Day 8

8 Day 609, 13:33 Published in Ireland Ireland

OK week two here we come! Russia are destroying eUSA at the moment, Canada and France are still dueling it out and I'm going to start branching out into different regions to report on.


Canada take back [url=http://www.erepublik.

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World War Daily Events: Week 1

14 Day 608, 13:18 Published in Ireland Ireland

So one week is over already in this war and its still going strong. Countries have chosen sides, table's have been turned and groups hoping to basically own the media have appeared.

For more information just click on the link for each day

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