World War Daily Events: Day 3

Day 604, 11:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by Conor Forde

Updates, updates and more updates. Looks like this will be no short war so I shall be continuing from my previous article on the events effecting us in ireland in the current war. For previous information regarding the recent events see my other articles 🙂

Day 3 battles:


So far Canada has been the most eventful and interesting country to be in this war as there seems to be no rest for their citizens. But they must really be getting their experience up!

France today launched an attack on Newfoundland and Labrador but it is to early for opinions on which way it will go. In my opinion. 😛

Also currently eCanada have started a resistance battle against France in Prince Edwards Island after France's sucessful occupation yesterday


France retain Nova Scotia from USA which is starting to show that the canadian battles so far were not a "flash in the pan" but a sustained occupation on the behalf of PEACE.

Russia have launched a second offencive against Alaska. They ain't givin' up yet folks!



Canada have followed suit after the US in imposing a Trade Embargo on eUK signalling frosty relations with our eastern neighbour is worsening rapidly. Also I have come to notice that the eUSA IRC channel autobans for using the words UK, United Kingdom, etc, etc. . . .


eJapan and eIndonesia have signed a PeaceTreaty which basically meens that after Indos sucessful keeping of Kyushu Indo remains on the border of eUSA.


Currently there are voting going ahead in congress on the nations taxation on secondary products. the liveblood of our nation. personally i would have preferred an increase in VAT and a reduction in income tax to roughly the same proportions so more money would be gained from travelers who are only here for a short amount of time and require products. I do tho agree that we as a nation need some form of income so i am not completely against it. But thats just me, im not in congress. Yet.

The voting can be seen at these links: Food , MovingTickets , Weapons and Gifts

On a side note:

I am praying that this article posts correctly. I don't want to have to edit this article with SO many links . . . Curse you admins and your inability to fix bugs!

Also this battle appears to be a long one from current indications so you may want to subscribe if you are interested in being infromed daily. 🙂

Last but not least I am oficially putting my name forward for the July Congressional Elections but i shall not be posting my manefesto quite yet as it needs a little bit of refinement in light of current events.

*Edit* yep. Had to edit it. . . .