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Vacation For Patton but not really

18 Day 270, 04:25 Published in Ireland Ireland

This morning I am reporting to the Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina. For the next few weeks I will be going through hell and it is reasonable to assume I will be far away from a computer. Hell week should be over in about two weeks so

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Accidents Everywhere in Ireland

8 Day 268, 05:27 Published in Ireland Ireland

With Victor's attempted assasination( and the busful of Irish politicians all dying( I must say that Ireland is becoming a dangerous place to live indeed. I

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Call to Investors

24 Day 267, 06:17 Published in Ireland Ireland

With uncertain times upon us many are wondering what will happen to the Irsh currency and the Irish nation. In my last article I proposed my plan of keeping prices and wages roughly the same they were before the takeover. One of the most crictical

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The Total Importance of the Local Elections

14 Day 266, 05:50 Published in Ireland Ireland

The more I have been thinking about this the more scared I have become. We cannot let the IR party win the local elections. If IR mayors control Ireland then they effectively can destroy any Irish company. I have seen this done in Japan where they

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Message to Irish Business Owners

19 Day 265, 04:35 Published in Ireland Ireland

Guys prices seem to have gone up everywhere. However, alot of these prices are from domestic companies. My fellow Irish why have you raised taxes uncessarily. I am not singling out any company but it seems most companies are doing it. I encourage

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