Time to Check Out the Parties

Day 287, 10:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

With the Romanian Crisis behind us the other Irish parties are coming out of their shell to once again help shape Ireland. Many of the newer have joined IF without knwoing of the other parties and becasue we all lined up behind IF during the crisis to deal with the Romanians in the most efficient order. Here are the parties in Ireland in order of size. Remember IR is the Romanian Party.

Ireland First(IF)
Ireland Reborn(IR)
Irish Union Party(IUP)
Fianna Fail (FF)
Irish Freedom Party(IFP)

I am not asking anyone to leave their parties I just want everyone to check out all the parties and see which one you align with. If anyone has any questions about Irish politics feel free to message me. I am the oldest active citizen in Ireland and I have a firm grasp of Ireland and its political system.

Being a human and having human faults my editorial will now become biased. As the leader of IUP I would like to invite everyone to check out our homepage and see our manifesto. Also the IUP just offered an Economic Re-Stabalization Plan which can be viewed at http://www.erepublik.com/article-595181.html. The plan is extremely viable and is our main focus right now.