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Party politics - or the lack of?

20 Day 661, 05:59 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry for not writing a goodbye article at the end of my presidency, but hey, I'm still here just in another position. And I don't have any intentions of leaving either. I hope you'll look back with fond memories on my 3

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Feedback needed

17 Day 652, 12:29 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

A few days ago I brought up 3 topics that I found important and wanted to have some progress on.

The tax reform plan was quite well received and the change is by

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We shouldn't buy any hospitals...

18 Day 649, 17:58 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

...we should manufacture them ourselves. Surprised at the idea?🙂

Well, the thing is that with some friends at DAP we have hundreds of gold now that has been gathered for months with the aim of helping out eMalaysia. Before we used this fund when

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Military reform

11 Day 649, 01:23 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

My third and last term is coming to a close but before that there are at least 3 important topics on which I'd like to achieve progress. I won't hide that I have my agenda behind it, which is that I'd like to see things done the way I'd prefer on

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Guidelines for donating money out of the country treasury

1 Day 647, 06:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Recently there have been two donate proposals which have been suboptimal so to say. So I thought it's best if I write some guidelines for congress members about donations.

Donating out MYR

This is the national currency so there is a

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