Guidelines for donating money out of the country treasury

Day 647, 06:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Recently there have been two donate proposals which have been suboptimal so to say. So I thought it's best if I write some guidelines for congress members about donations.

Donating out MYR

This is the national currency so there is a special rule for it in place. By game mechanics it's not possible to donate out 500 * the new citizen fee. In our case that is 5 MYR so 2500 MYR that is tied down. Also you should leave around 100-200 MYR in on top of the 2500 so that in case of a baby boom the amount inside the treasury doesn't go under 2500 MYR. Because if it does congress members will be bombarded with "not enough MYR in the treasury" alerts which can be quite annoying. On the other hand you should donate out everything above 2600-2700 MYR. There is no point in donating out only 5000 MYR when you could donate out 9000.

Also please refrain from proposing a MYR donation till a significant amount is available for it. Let's say the minimum should be 2000 MYR (thus at least 4600 MYR in the treasury) except for emergency cases.

Donating out other currencies and gold

Here the only restriction by game mechanics is that the minimum amount that can be donated is 10 currency or gold. But on the other hand in these cases everything can be donated out. I'd strongly suggest doing so. So if there is for example 296 USD in the treasury then propose a donation of 296 USD and no less.

Never ever propose a gold donation without asking me first! Gold might be in the treasury for a reason (like for signing an MPP).

Preferably please also contact me before proposing currency donations! Only one donation proposal can be up for voting at any time which means that your proposal might block a more important donation for 24 hours. If there is nothing (like MYR printing in process or a higher amount of MYR or gold in the treasury) indicating that an important donation could be coming then you can propose the donation of other currencies without contacting me. But please propose to donate out the full amount!

And lastly THB is a special case as it's the currency of Thailand. Most of it was acquired during the merger process from the treasury of Thailand while the rest from taxes as some users were still working for THB for a few days after the merger. My opinion is that this THB should go to the Central Bank of Thailand and a direct donation to there would have been more elegant. However no big deal, I'll just donate it over once it has reached The Central Bank of Malaysia. Though it would have also been better to have some discussion about what to do with the THB before donating it out.

As for debate area in case of donation proposals, please set this forum topic as such! Although in case of donations a debate area is not necessary it's better if you set this one.

That's all and thanks for reading.

Best regards,