Feedback needed

Day 652, 12:29 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

A few days ago I brought up 3 topics that I found important and wanted to have some progress on.

The tax reform plan was quite well received and the change is by now essentially complete with only a few rather unimportant questions remaining like should we tax grain or maybe even iron companies more heavily to deter people from running and working for such companies.

The idea of setting up a q5 hospital company which would provide the needed amount of hospitals for the state for production cost essentially received a standing ovation. Thanks a lot to everyone for that. As I have interests in this project on the side of the private fund as well that would set up the company I think it's more fair if I leave it to the new president and his cabinet (and of course the current congress) to decide on the deal. If we get the green light, we will start in about a week, I guess.

I've left the topic that received the least and most mixed responses for last. It's the military reform of course. Compared to how crucial the decision of what kind of military we set up is the response from your part was minimal. Come on and please share whether you'd like to see a small, elitist military or a broader one trying to involve as much of the population as possible and whether you'd like to see one that has a standard structure or one that is built more on the society and its networks. Both approaches can be legit and we have to decide. You know which one I support, but do I have your support to start working on a military structure like that?

I'm also sad that Gustavius resigned because of our differences in viewpoints and his lack of time. I'd like to thank him here for all his work and hope that he'll be around for a long time to help the union on various positions.

And finally, I got zero response from eThai citizens on the military reform. I'd love to know whether you'd like to have your own military units as I suggested or that you'd like to be included in other units based on RL location. Please think about it and do share your opinion!

Best regards,