[Rude Confrontation] First Interview with the First President of eNZ

Day 1,082, 05:05 Published in New Zealand Saudi Arabia by voice

Heeeeelllo Fellow eNZ and Citizen of the Admin-damned eWorld,

this is first episode of our hard and rude confrontation...
where questions are direct, politically incorrect, and somehow on the marge of rudeness, where question are thrown impolitely by the most hated journalist in eNZ


one man DARED to come, and answer our accusations (ehm, questions)

This is man is

President Calbe of eNZ

so welcome our new president. (though you do not need to do, we are rude don't forget)

Mr President, can you identify yourself to us

I can indeed, I am Calbe, the leader of the pack

My name is Caleb and I'm a New Zealand Citizen who lives in auckland, supports the Auckland Blues rugby team, and anyone playing the Canterbury Crusaders

so people like me who lives in Canterbury will have no chance under your rule ?

Haha, I will oppress no-one, I simply enjoy goading those who live in the frosty south. I'm a congress rep for canterbury, you may be interested to know

Why did you present, do you think you are better than the rest of us?

Not entirely sure what you're asking here to be honest, so i'll answer the question how I think you meant it.

I ran for president because of a number of reasons. Firstly I had been encouraged by a number of members of the community that I should run.

I also quickly gathered that a Real Life Kiwi would have the best chance of getting in, amidst the issues plaguing our newly formed congress.

I ran primarily, however, because I have a desire to serve. People identified to me that a servant hearted person needed to run.

In all honesty, I was not fussed about who got elected Country President, because ultimately, I don’t care about titles or positions.

I just want to work towards a sustainable, strong nation and if the best way for me to do that is through the Country Presidency, then so be it.

Frankly, Do you support elitism?

No I do not. I am very much of the opinion that once of the best ways to get new players invested in the game is to give them positions etc.

I feel that having the same people in charge all the time leads to stagnation. As the saying goes, if we keep doing what we've always done, we'll keep getting what we've always got.

If we want to be innovative and powerful on the world stage, we need to act on ideas brought forward by all members of the community.

Elitism is a hindrance to progress in my books.

but you are not gonna take some noob for an important task? how would you do to fight elitism?

I'm certainly not going to drop any 'noobs' in the deep end. In my experience, the best way to encourage young players and give them experience, is to get them involved on a lower level.

I feel that the best way for a 'noob' to learn is to get them into the presence of someone who knows what they're talking about. Whilst I have been very experience heavy in this cabinet, there are some younger folks around.

The fact is, at this moment in time, we dont have that many young players. We need the most experienced people behind the wheel driving us forward. In the future, when we have a more solid foundation, I believe the best thing we could do is have a cabinet layout involving an 'experienced' player as the Minister, and a 'less experienced' player as their deputy.

Why you were accepted by eSerbs? had a deal with them?

The deciding factor, I believe, was the fact that I was a RL Kiwi. Both sides recognised that we were on an even playing field after congress elections and the only way we were going to be able to work, was if we did it together.

The serbs wanted someone in charge that wasn't going to immediately sell them out. They too have a very real interest in this country, having invested a *lot* of gold in it.

They recognised that only a person with a vested interest in the country itself would be able to deal with issues with balance as anything less would lead to a civil war.

They saw that the only people that would *definately* be able to keep the peace, would be those from the country itself. For that reason, the picks for CP were narrowed down a lot.

Frankly, you sold us for what? what did you give the serbs to accept you?

I did not sell us out. In my opinion, I am offering eNZ the brightest possible future. We need to understand that no matter what country you came from, you're an eKiwi now.

We need to get rid of this 'us and them mentality'. We are all Kiwis now and we need to move forward in that knowledge.

I offered everyone the potential for an eNZ where everyone has a voice, and no-one has dominance. I believe that the only way this country is going to avoid sinking into war is through perserverance and unity.

There will be a time when party politics can come into force, but for now, we need a leader who will do everything possible to keep eNZ going and avoid an internal war.

To get the serbians to accept me? I offered them an opportunity to have a say in the development of this nation. I offered them the chance to stop being considered PTOers and become citizens working towards a brighter future.

In fact, I offered them the exact same thing I offer everyone else. A shot at being a united nation.

Did the serbian government impose something upon you

The serbians asked for members of their e😜at group to have a say on the direction of the government.

Frankly, nothing I wasn't going to offer them anyway. They also asked for fair consideration, something I will be working my utmost to ensure for everyone.

and the polish, did they had a say?

I was never contacted by anyone claiming to represent polish interests.

you mean neither eSerbian nor ePolish president did not interfere?

No. Neither the Serbian nor Polish president's have had any influence on me whatsoever. The serbian countrymen we have here have expressed a desire to MPP with Serbia and to maintain diplomatic connections, which is most certainly understandable.

I am not going to write that off.

Is it true that you are an EDEN agent?

Haha, I am no agent, I can assure you

I was a citizen of eAustralia previously, and was in favour of eAus joining EDEN. However i am throughly neutral on the super-alliances.

I am no longer an eAustralian, I was recently removed from the forum team there. I am fully and wholely eNZ now, something I encourage everyone else to do.

do you think you will succeed in your objectives?

I most certainly hope so. I have been told that I am very much an optimist, seeing the best both in situations, and in people. However, I have generally been a good judge of character also, and so I am hoping that the group I have put into place around myself are the right people for the jobs they've been given. I certainly have faith in them and believe them to be the right folks.

if you fail, whom you will blame? the EDENers, The serbians, the polish, the journalists, ?? who gonna be your scapegoat ?

If I fail, the blame will rest with me. I cannot envision a scenario of failure, simply one of not everything going our way. I'm not interested in finding someone to take the fall for my failures, I do my best to own up to them.

I can assure you and everyone else, I am a human being, and I make mistakes. My job will be, however, to do my best to limit said mistakes, learn from them, and use them to drive our progress into the future.

If everything falls to custard however, I'll blame it on the dog...

so far in eNZ, if there is someone you feel must be eExiled out of here, who would be?

Haha, a good question! I am not one for censorship or exiles. I feel that everyone, even people I disagree with, deserve to have a say and have the right to make their opinions known. Just because something doesnt necessarily fit with my worldview, doesn't make it invalid.

Thanks Mr.President for coming here, giving us time for this interview, any final word?

A word to end the interview? Today I'll go with cabbage

Seriously though, this is going to be a difficult term. I ask that everyone be patient with me, and so long as we keep the goal of a strong, unified nation in mind, we've got the potential to be a massive influence on world events!

Thanks for Mr.President and for the readers. Hope to see you soon

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