Day 1,080, 04:48 Published in New Zealand Saudi Arabia by voice

Nov.4 Day 1080 of the god-damned eWorld, where "les cons" are omin-potent and can remove us from eLife along with our article for no intelligent reason!

the editorial board of the Arabian Night had noticed an increased lacked of humour and fun, with lack of the sarcastic spirit, we see that it is our duty to push for sarcastic journalism, and to have the right to mock and to joke, all in carrying a serious message within

Lets have these day as sarcasm day...

there will be a competition, the best comments (one, two or three, exceptionally up to five if you were very good) will share 5 G.

The comments have to be sarcastic... comments welcomed can be rude, provocative, mocking, joking..etc .. preferably to be witty, intelligent, with a catch, hidden reference.. IRL allusion or anything your good sense of humor can produce

the subject is: Voice and/or The Arabian Nights Newspaper

yes... whether you are my friend; or you hate me, you have an open license to mock me, joke, ..etc and HERE.......

i will not hate you for what you say, i will not comment back, it is your TOTAL FREEDOM

and MORE

you can win GOLD....

so be witty, and comment

p.s. voice of AmeriKa already used in another thread, so do not use it.. it is however an example of a witty catch and intelligent mocking

p.s.2 please sub and vote