Champ's Thoughts

Day 800, 17:06 Published in South Africa USA by Champinator

What an interesting Congressional elections we had. I just barely got in by the skin of my ballsack.

Did I ever mention that I got the title of Ambassador to Spain and South Korea about a few weeks ago?

How bout that war........ eSA, F*** YEAH!!!

SAL..... chillax. Listen to Ines. She speaks sense. You guys have way too many ads and lies. No offense, just statin' some facts.

How bout the Presidential Elections.......... in seven days........... I will be running....... expect a bio tomorrow and then my platform on Saturday.

My avatar...... looks pretty sweet. Got an even sweeter one ready to put up tomorrow.

Brazil + Indonesia + Argentina = epic fail and huber pwnage

Welcome back Matt Beta. 🙂

mulder.......... what an awesome guy! 😃

The AGW: The party you should join.

5x Congressman
Ambassador to Spain and South Korea