The Life and Times of Trenton Rendell. (Part A)

Day 710, 16:30 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell
(My time on eRepublik is coming to an end. There will be a day when I don't log, There will be a day where my character dies, There will be a day when I quit eRep forever. I want to reflect upon the time I've committed to this crazy game and all the things I have achieved and what I've done to this country.
The following articles will include my history aswell as my thought on events and people. My reflection will not be censored and I hope that you all don't bash my head in for the things touched upon in my reflection.)

The Doctor Era.

My first Avatar, The Doctor. from one of my favourite shows Doctor Who.

On November 14th 2008, I said goodbye to my nation on I have played the game for 3 months and finally grew tired from the game. That evening I started searching for an alternative to cybernations after click on countless links on I stumbled on a fairly unknown game. A game called Erepublik I was drawn in with the tag lines for the game 'Be your Country's President' and 'Change the course of History'. That night I created my profile.

I was born in Ontario, Canada on Day 360 of the new world. That night I uploaded my first avatar, found a job and trained. Tantis was Prime Minister and the CPF was nearing the end of their dynasty.
On my second day of the new world I worked, I trained I bought food and a moving ticket. eCanada at the time had a fairly low population and nothing was happening. I decided I wanted to leave eCanada, I wanted to be apart of a bigger nation I wanted to be President on that Nation. So before the end of my second day in the new world I moved to New York, USA to begin my life in the New World.

Not too long after I joined the USAF (United States Armed Forces) after I received a recruitment message. I was drafted in the 11th Platoon of the USAF and was ready for action. Though I didn't stay for long, I've noticed that eUSA was too populated so many people writing articles and running for office, If there was ever a chance for me to get high up in politics I would need a 'smaller' country.
So on day 6 of my new life I moved back to eCanada. I quickly got a job and settled into my home and native land.

Soon there after I was level 7 finally I was able to join a political party and start my political career. There were 5 parties I could choose from The CPF the biggest party in Canada, The Second largest Party CSD, the CPP and CHAOS. I didn't join CHAOS because of the whole Anarchy deal. I didn't join The CPP because they seemed like a special interest group. It was down to the CPF and CSD. I was close to joining the CPF but thought I didn't want to seem like another bandwagoner. So I went with my other choice the CSD. I don't regret the decision for a moment and never will. Though still to this very day I still wonder what would of happened to me had I chose the CPF and not the CSD.
(Not too long after this, I was kicked out of the USAF for not being in the US)