The Commonwealth of Trentopia

Day 714, 22:53 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

The island close to BC known as the 'Queen Charlotte Island' hereby secede from eCanada to be a self-governing unincorporated territory to the Nation of Canada and to from here on out be known as 'The Commonwealth of Trentopia'
The citizens of Trentopia will recieve the same rights and priviallages as eCanadians and will also be allowed to participate in Canadian elections whether it be Congressional, Party President or Presidential. As well as take part in the Canadian Armed Forces.

The effected area will be the British Columbian region known as the 'Queen Charlotte Island'
The Prime Minister will still be Head of State and his power will continue to affect the area though a self Governing Governor will be in charge of Trentopia.

On November 4th 2009, Day 714 of the New World in attendance of the eCanadian IRC. Governor Trenton Rendell and GoranThrax (In absence of the Prime Minister) agree to the terms and agreements to the separation of 'Queen Charlotte Island'