Hintergrund an/aus

EDEN charter- Romania

4 Tag 803, 14:09 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

I would like to draw attention to an article stating some more down to earth position towards events in Romania and a possible debate on Eden charter:


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Mesaj din SUA

53 Tag 801, 09:27 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

Dupa cateva zile de agitatie in relatiile dintre Romania si SUA, timp in care destula lume m-a acuzat ca tin partea americanilor, ca nu informez poporul roman, samd. cred ca a venit timpul sa prezint si niste pozitii oficiale din partea americana.

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General considerations on diplomacy and military systems. Case study: Romania

13 Tag 800, 14:48 Veröffentlicht in Spain Spain

These days have been quite busy with all the excitement around Romania recent decisions:


But this article is not about these events,

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General considerations on diplomacy and military systems. Case study: Romania

4 Tag 800, 14:47 Veröffentlicht in Poland Poland

These days have been quite busy with all the excitement around Romania recent decisions:


But this article is not about these events,

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General considerations on diplomacy and military systems. Case study: Romania

1 Tag 800, 14:43 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

These days have been quite busy with all the excitement around Romania recent decisions:


But this article is not about these events,

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