Mesaj din SUA

Day 801, 09:27 Published in Romania Romania by 8-3=1

Dupa cateva zile de agitatie in relatiile dintre Romania si SUA, timp in care destula lume m-a acuzat ca tin partea americanilor, ca nu informez poporul roman, samd. cred ca a venit timpul sa prezint si niste pozitii oficiale din partea americana. Momentul nu a fost special ales, ci pur si simplu acum am primit confirmarile ca pot publica aceste luari de pozitie. Spre binele nostru acum avem si MoFA si poate fi facuta o evaluare a pasilor urmatori intr-un timp destul de scurt.

Fara prea multe comentarii:

Secretary of State Bradley Reala (echivalentul MoFA): Official Statement

This long running feud between Romania and the rest of EDEN must come to an end, and soon, lest we start to go the way of ATLANTIS. Through repeated snubbings militarily and diplomatically Romania and EDEN have brought themselves to the brink of catastrophe, and this article by the Romanian President has done nothing to repair those relationships. I can sit here and quote facts all day; EDEN didn't do this, or Romania didn't do that; but at the end of the day one side is going to have to grow up, stop being childish, and start making amends. As for the eUSA's position, we are a part of EDEN, our position stands with the rest of EDEN, and we are no different than any other part of that alliance. If you have a problem with the eUSA personally, I must direct you to the EDEN high command, because that is where Romania must deal with their problem. This is becoming all too like those days leading up to ATLANTIS' demise, and it's time for everyone to stop this petty sniping and come back to the table.

President Jewitt: Message to Romania

The United States still stands by her allies, Romania included. Although we are slightly disappointed into Andyr's view of how the world is developing, even after we ourselves have also lost battles due to lack of full allied support, we in the States will not lay blame. Romania is still considered one of our strongest allies despite current events, and hopefully this will not harm that relationship long-term.

Sa ne auzim invingatori!