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EDEN is losing the Balkans

17 Tag 796, 10:26 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Yesterday there was a good fight in Sofia (formerly belonging to Romania, now Serbia). It was a 1/1 battle in which Romania lost. Looking at the battle statistics, we will see that the difference was made by the Hungarian and Russian armies fighting

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The Polish Gamble

13 Tag 791, 02:34 Veröffentlicht in Poland Poland

Today France was left with only one region. Now the question is: will Spain attack Corsica? What are the chances that Corsica will be conquered?

One look at the map will tell us first of all that Spain do not have a border with Corsica. In order

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The Polish gambit- UK, Spain, France, Eastern block

7 Tag 791, 02:20 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

Today France was left with only one region. Now the question is: will Spain attack Corsica? What are the chances that Corsica will be conquered?

One look at the map will tell us first of all that Spain do not have a border with Corsica. In order

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Mici dileme diplomatice

13 Tag 790, 13:12 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

Asa cum v-am anuntat, prin mila guvernului roman am fost numit ambasador al Romaniei in SUA + Canada.

Am incercat sa vad care sunt corespondentii mei si am avut o mica surpriza legata de ambasadorul american:


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Introduction to diplomacy

3 Tag 785, 13:38 Veröffentlicht in Hungary Hungary

When I joined eRepublik, my first article said that “countries need less war”. Of course everyone jumped on me, saying that eRepublik is a strategy game revolving around war. War makes economy move around, war consumes weapons and tickets and gifts,

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