About strategy: don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Day 1,051, 22:58 Published in Romania Romania by 8-3=1

(Sorry for English but article is for everyone to read)

We’are all aware of recent Phoenix moaning against new military module updates (all alliances are active, unlimited spending allowed etc). This has been on all news channels.

What they failed to tell us is why they have been so busy digging their own graves. Strategically speaking. It’s common sense in any strategy: don’t put all your eggs in one basket. And they’ve done exactly that.

eRepublik history tells us that very few regions didn’t change their master. Almost all regions were either conquered or lost. You don’t have to be a genius to anticipate that sooner or latter there is a quite big possibility to lose one region. What have they done to prepare an alternative strategy? Nothing.

Phoenix strategy of having virtually unconquerable “fortresses” needs some serious thinking and update. Especially if these fortresses are bordered by EDEN forces, prone to be attacked any time.

Liaoning was the warning signal that fortresses can actually be conquered. Serbia didn’t have an exit strategy. Better start working. And give some advise to Russia (Kaliningrad is under attack) and Hungary (their capital might be visited soon).

Break a leg! : )