More about strategy: don't put all your eggs into two baskets either

Day 1,054, 01:08 Published in Romania Romania by 8-3=1

Last article I just explained why it is not feasible for one country to rely on only one highly defended region (fortress) and dont have any alternative strategy in case the fortress is lost. Putting all your eggs into one basket- not good.

But what about putting all your eggs into two baskets? No, I am not going to talk about having two fortresses. This article is about something different.

Long time ago when I was ambassador my vocation was to ensure that EDEN does not rely on only one (or two) baskets. I always praised EDEN as an alliance of equal members and (even if some didnt like it) thought any member should be encouraged to become stronger and more vocal inside the alliance. This is now paying up, the EDEN-Brolliance have enough member to ensure that if one of them fails or gets conquered (or PTOed etc) the alliance will not be imbalanced. We have Poland, Spain, USA, Romania, Croatia, Greece, China (I will stop here, you got my point- there are others as well).

Our good friends from across the fence didn't get that. I remember having discussions with some of PHOENIX powerful people and their view was that "the less people decide, the better". They encouraged the polarisation of their alliance towards two (maybe three members at that time): Hungary, Serbia (and for some time Russia). Now Russia is being dismantled (they lost their Asian territories and now Kaliningrad- their fortress), so PHOENIX is just Serbia and Hungary. A lot of eggs- just two baskets. One of them fails, the whole PHOENIX goes under.

Lesson: dont put all your eggs in just two baskets. This is not very good either.

PS: that's why I prefer cars and not bikes.