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trolled hard

halfie for Colorado

3 Dia 733, 14:56 Publicado em USA USA

No not really. just spamming the media with annoying and useless articles.
Carry on guys

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Hello Argentina.

11 Dia 733, 14:33 Publicado em Argentina Argentina

Would you mind clearing us a path through Mexico so we can have revenge on Columbia?


oh yeah and Josh Frost will be contacting your president shortly to work out some kind of deal

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Conquering Heilongjiang

5 Dia 733, 12:56 Publicado em USA USA

The road to conquering Heilongjiang will be a long and arduous one.
We can take our chances going through russia or just go through japan.

If we were to attempt to conquer Heilongjiang without going through Russia, the onlyway would be to

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Bring it on ireland.

24 Dia 729, 04:12 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

well kick you back across the sea.


(p.s. i know its wargames.)

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so yeah.... Hungary has left PEACE.

2 Dia 727, 15:31 Publicado em USA USA informações »