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trolled hard

Vote for abayarde in washington

3 Dia 736, 18:14 Publicado em USA USA

Abayarde is the Commanding officer of the Reserves division of the Training Division and is a pretty cool guy.
He is currently losing by 1 vote.
Help him out plz

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niedźwiedź Wojtek

7 Dia 736, 16:08 Publicado em Poland Poland


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ATTN: noobs and two-clickers

3 Dia 736, 15:08 Publicado em USA USA

As you have noticed we have been attacked 😨
But please do not fight. Intel from our intelligence agency suggests this is a battle to soak up damage form americans to allow a triple whammy

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ATTN: noobs and two-clickers

13 Dia 736, 13:31 Publicado em USA USA

As you have noticed we have been attacked 😨
But please do not fight. Intel from our intelligence agency suggests this is a battle to soak up damage form americans to allow a triple whammy

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So i herd u liek 5000 gold.

20 Dia 734, 07:22 Publicado em Portugal Portugal

Wait. its 500 now.

actually since this contract is invalid dont we get our 500 back 😮

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