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trolled hard

No wonder hungary doesn't like us...

17 Dia 724, 10:37 Publicado em Hungary Hungary

Some of you may know, I have some Hungarian family, many of which have enforced on my brain to learn at least some Hungarian to get by if I were to ever find myself in Hungary IRL. I can imagine none of them were teaching me Hungarian so that, "

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You win some, You lose some

16 Dia 723, 13:45 Publicado em Hungary Hungary

And besides you can conquer Slovakia/world any other day
Chin up Hungarians

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I think eIndonesia has been in the pool for too long.

3 Dia 720, 14:25 Publicado em USA USA

Major shrinkage.

They are openly threatening Malaysia to stop the training wars with EDEN. I assume its to look tough, and try to save this dying country and get something of a baby boom but who knows.

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In Soviet Russia...

8 Dia 720, 10:43 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

America colonizes you.


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I think eIndonesia has been in the pool for too long.

10 Dia 720, 10:14 Publicado em Croatia Croatia

Major shrinkage.

They are openly threatening Malaysia to stop the training wars with EDEN. I assume its to look tough, and try to save this dying country and get something of a baby boom but who knows.

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