Conquering Heilongjiang

Day 733, 12:56 Published in USA USA by Halfie

The road to conquering Heilongjiang will be a long and arduous one.
We can take our chances going through russia or just go through japan.

If we were to attempt to conquer Heilongjiang without going through Russia, the onlyway would be to declare war on, and attack eJapan starting with the Kyushu region.

After establishing a beachhead in Kyushu and Jeju, an assault on eJapan controlled eSouth Korea will begin until we reach the russian controlled eNorth Korea regions Kangwon and Hwangae. We still have open MPP's with eRussia so this wont be easy

After taking Hwangae and Kangwon, and making our way to Pyongyang we have a choice between attacking Jilin directly or attacking Chagang and Ryanggang to create staging region as eHungary will likely have caught on to what is going on and attempt to RW the regions.

After all of this we will finally be able to attack Heilongjiang and taking eHungary's ONLY high iron region, cripple and destroy them. The cost of attacking will most likely be massive with a defense wall of approximately 350K to 1 Million points. The larger a regions population the higher the cost/ defense wall as of writing this, Heilongjiang has a current population of 3,684. If we pull this off we will most likely end this war which has dragged on for months.

I hope you enjoyed the read.