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The Examiner is eArmenia's go-to newspaper, reporting local and international news stories that cares about Armenia and the world. The Examiner is published every day and is with you 24/7 anytime you want, across eArmenia.

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The ALP's Voters Aren't Fake, They are Real!!

15 Dia 3,099, 06:32 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The ALP's leader, Anthony have said that the ALP's voters aren't fake at all and that the voters are real people that supports the ALP very often because they are here to support the ALP. Most of our voters are eArmenians and non-eArmenians alike

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A New Chapter Here at the ALP and the Examiner

6 Dia 3,098, 18:29 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Today is a new day in eArmenia and as you can see here, we're embarking on a new journey, a new beginning and a new era in journalism and politics in eArmenia here at the ALP and the Armenia Examiner.

Last night, we have said that running a

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ALP Sets Big Plans Ahead for Next Month's Presidential Elections

18 Dia 3,096, 15:59 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Armenian Labour Party's leader, Anthony have said this afternoon that he set big plans for the almost-troubled ALP so in a effort to lure back supporters and to avoid the scandals surrounding the social democratic party.

Plans for ALP:


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Anthony Wants eArmenians to Become Members of ALP

5 Dia 3,095, 15:54 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Armenian Labour Party's leader, Anthony have said this afternoon that he wants every eArmenian to become members of the new ALP so that he can help reshape eArmenia and to restore peace and democracy. He said to us that despite the controversies

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The Labour Party is Now the Armenian Labour Party

4 Dia 3,093, 12:29 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Labour Party has announced on Sunday that its changing its name to the Armenian Labour Party so in a effort to serve eArmenians and all minorities living in eArmenia and to continue building and improving the nation. ALP's leader, Anthony have

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