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The Examiner is eArmenia's go-to newspaper, reporting local and international news stories that cares about Armenia and the world. The Examiner is published every day and is with you 24/7 anytime you want, across eArmenia.

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Anthony Denies Allegations That He's A Fake Person

45 Dia 3,092, 18:11 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Labour Party's leader, Anthony have said this afternoon that he denies the allegations that he's not a fake person stating that the allegations are false and not true. He says to the Examiner that he was born in eUSA, making a living producing

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Anthony Announces He Starting His Presidential Bid for Next Month's Elections

6 Dia 3,092, 07:36 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Labour Party's leader, Anthony have said this morning that he will start his presidential bid early this month so that the Labour Party can come up with strong ideas and propose plans for eArmenia so that it can attract voters and non-voters in

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Anthony Still Loses the Presidential Election Again But Still Staying Strong

40 Dia 3,090, 12:13 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Labour Party's leader, Anthony have said this afternoon that he lost the presidential election to the ruling AFP in yesterday's election. He says to us that his party has got 17 votes(meaning 35% of the total nationwide vote) and was in 2nd

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Anthony Encourage eArmenians to Choose Him as President Today!

1 Dia 3,089, 15:59 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Labour Party's leader, Anthony have said this afternoon that he wants everybody to vote for him today so that he can help reunite eArmenia and to save it from illegal occupation by Iran. So far, he has 17 votes(making him at 2nd place) and he

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Anthony Encourage eArmenians to Vote for Him Today

3 Dia 3,089, 04:06 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Labour Party's leader, Anthony have said this morning that he wants everybody to vote for him today so that he can help restore eArmenia from its glory and to save it from Iranian occupation. Once everybody votes for him, he will make eArmenia

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