The ALP's Voters Aren't Fake, They are Real!!

Day 3,099, 06:32 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The ALP's leader, Anthony have said that the ALP's voters aren't fake at all and that the voters are real people that supports the ALP very often because they are here to support the ALP. Most of our voters are eArmenians and non-eArmenians alike and this means that the ALP doesn't have fake voters and that it restores the ALP's reputation of eArmenia as the highest. The ALP hopes that the problems and controversies will go away at the end of May so that the ALP can fully recover from it and to bring back its long time supporters and members so that the ALP can still be a voice for every eArmenian and for every minority living in eArmenia! Let's Make eArmenia Stronger, Safer and Secured for the Future! We encourage people to support the ALP more stronger and to feel the BURN!!