ALP Sets Big Plans Ahead for Next Month's Presidential Elections

Day 3,096, 15:59 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The Armenian Labour Party's leader, Anthony have said this afternoon that he set big plans for the almost-troubled ALP so in a effort to lure back supporters and to avoid the scandals surrounding the social democratic party.

Plans for ALP:

-To Message and Ask Select People in eArmenia to Become Supporters of ALP

-To use the Examiner as a independent forum so that eArmenians can express their views about the ALP and other major political parties in eArmenia and how they could do better next month.

-To Cover Many More Issues Surronding eArmenia Including Global Warming, LGBT rights, Equal Rights, Drugs, Rich vs Poor, etc.

-To form a permanent structure for the new ALP so that its members can communicate and cooperate with each other so it can make ALP one of the most successful and influential political parties in eArmenia

-To continue serve eArmenians and non-eArmenians alike so that the ALP will remain a fully multicultural and social democratic political party in eArmenia

-To Create New Positions if some of its supporters become members of the ALP so that they can fully cooperate with each other and to come up with new ideas and new issues that's facing each other.

-To convince eArmenians that the ALP is not a fake political party and that its a real political party, serving the needs of people with different perspective.

-To ask the ruling AFP to stop making negative claims against the ALP and to ask the AFP's members to have respect for the ALP and other political parties in eArmenia who tried to get their voices be heard in the Congress.

-To continue promote more unity among eArmenians, non-eArmenians and millennials alike.

He hopes that the changes will help improve the ALP heavily and also for the other major political parties in eArmenia(especially the AFP).

He also encourages eArmenians to start becoming real suppporters for the ALP so that we can rebuild eArmenia and to set up a democratic, peaceful government.

He also wants its rival, the AFP to stop making negative claims that does hurt the ALP every day and to encourage them to have mutual respect for us and for other political parties in eArmenia so that they can get their voices be heard.

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