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Your number source of BS.

War is every where! Can you feel it?

9 Dia 1,161, 19:15 Publicado em Philippines Philippines

Big trouble! This is from Peru. I think we are really in big trouble.

Original Article Written in Spanish

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We know what to do now.....

10 Dia 1,157, 23:38 Publicado em Philippines Philippines

Never trust your neighbor.

Isn't this the perfect time to move our separate ways. Let the eMalays and eSingaporeans do their
own business.

We are all fed up

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When eIndo realized its true power

9 Dia 1,150, 18:26 Publicado em Philippines Philippines

We've seen eIndonesia honor its word, leaving the ePH as a 3 region country.

Then, eIndo sought eMY through black hat methods.

The leadership of PACMAN is going strong. … mais informações »

sansae2 deeply regrets his insolence

9 Dia 1,137, 15:36 Publicado em Philippines Philippines

The idiotic and imbecile act of yours truly should not have been done. As a Congressman, protecting the ePH is my first priority. But based on what I have acted yesterday, this endangered our relationship with the all mighty eROC.

I hope the

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Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. ....

3 Dia 1,134, 19:34 Publicado em Philippines Philippines

Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Learn to fish and feed yourself an eLifetime.

Join IRC

Learn the ropes from the veterans on how eRepublik

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