We know what to do now.....

Day 1,157, 23:38 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2

Never trust your neighbor.

Isn't this the perfect time to move our separate ways. Let the eMalays and eSingaporeans do their
own business.

We are all fed up by them.

I say with go and carve our own path.

Let's not only follow our dreams but chase them.

We can't be stuck helping this bastards every time they are in need.

They don't learn. They are controlled by people who don't want progression.

There's is just nothing left for them to stand up to their own feet.

Let's now start afresh. Don't bother about their problems. Hekter and his administration and recent presidents have built a strong foundation for a new ePhilippines.

This coming election, show your support of "ePhilippines Going its own Way" by voting for congress candidates. I will be running in Luzon so people of Luzon vote for me and also the entire line up of Kilusan ng Makabayang Pilipino.