War is every where! Can you feel it?

Day 1,161, 19:15 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2

Big trouble! This is from Peru. I think we are really in big trouble.

Original Article Written in Spanish

Read this:
All the Peruvians and Bolivians who read this: As I have Peruvian citizenship could not write the article in eColombia, however, this article is intended for neogranadinos. If a Peruvian want to read and comment, also can.

THIS ARTICLE IS AN ANSWER TO: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/presa-o-depredador-1650866/1/20

I think it's great a future war in the Philippines. Not because the Filipinos hate or anything like that, but it's time for Colombia to show its true power.

If after two months of eColombia created eEEUU attacked and so far we have survived, I do not see why we can not attack the Philippines.

Wars are the fundamental component of this game, and because of the brotherhood with neighboring countries (Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil), although we have problems and mistrust between us, the only war that could turn without sacrificing possible future support is to Philippines.

South America, which previously was the most peaceful region around the eWorld, today is a mass genocide. If our neighbors can cause wars to grow its military potential, Colombians can not lie back. EColombia sooner or later have to defend their own ability, because in this game can not be trusted in any country.

I support the decision of the Congress (Although the vote has been rejected, most were clear in supporting the proposal), we have more to gain from this. If we lose the country, it is impossible for Filipinos to keep us under their control. We are a community too small to become an empire, but too great to not have a territory.

We are not short of tanks, what happens is that they are in other countries. I have no doubt that if eColombia is mounted on the boat to play them back to fight wars for their country. We are a big country, we demonstrated in eLituania, we demonstrate in eUSA and now show in eFilipinas.

Another detail: the fact that all eColombianos have to work together in a war against another country is a good opportunity for us to forget the silly partisan differences and parochial fights dating back to prehistory, and rather work as a country.