sansae2 deeply regrets his insolence

Day 1,137, 15:36 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2

The idiotic and imbecile act of yours truly should not have been done. As a Congressman, protecting the ePH is my first priority. But based on what I have acted yesterday, this endangered our relationship with the all mighty eROC.

I hope the people of the ePH and eROC forgive an imperfect person who had nothing to do, bored to death.

As an at of goodwill, I (sansae2), will never again run for congress in the ePH and will now leave this great nation.

I hope for the best of ePH and eROC.

Wait, I forget to say thanks to this following people:
Revilo X
Jootli and the rest of the Ilocanos in eRep
Aren Perry
Erion Clowd
and the rest of the ePH ohana (family in Hawaiian)
Wait I forgot my district in Palawan (thank your for your 7 months of trust)

I will always remember the lessons I learned in ePH.

Happy New Year also!